MSDP/GMCP Protocol
General End of Time Overview:
For more detailed info, please visit the Gameplay section
- Codebase: Diku/Merc/Rom 2.4, DEEPLY Modified
- Theme: Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger & Chrono Cross with some Seiken Densetsu 3 (Secret of Mana) influence
- Created: Work began on the codebase sometime in 1999 or 2000 under the name Genesia. It was transformed into a Final Fantasy based MUD in February of 2001. Two years later, in 2003, it reached it's final incarnation of End of Time.
- Location: USA
- Language: English
- Player Base: Fluctuates on season and time of day, a daily average is 8 connected
- Multiplaying is not allowed, although there is no limit on the number of characters a player may have.
- Player Killing is restricted to those with a valid roleplay reason within 7 levels
Various Features:
- Drastically modified and improved combat system
- Custom magic system with a lot of depth
- Very detailed character creation, with character traits and merits/flaws
- All Original World complete with World Map
- Full featured Chocobo Riding, Digging, Training and Racing
- Full "Triple Triad" collectible card game system
- Customized Limit Break system that allows you to create custom tailored skills
- Class Promotion at levels 50 and 80 that let you decide what route to take your character
- Roleplay is highly encouraged
- Race Templates, such as Vampirism, Lycanthropy, and Unsent that can be obtained in game to change several aspects of a character
More information and more recent updates can be found at any of the following:
The MUD Connector
MUD Listings
MUD Portal
Top MUD Sites
MUD Stats
End of Time Wiki Page
Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, Seiken Densetsu are all copyright (c) Square Enix CO., LTD.